AI Tool


You are responsible for all decisions made, advice given, actions taken, and failures to take action based on your use of the AI tool. This AI tool uses machine learning models that generate predictions based on patterns in data. Output generated by machine learning models is probabilistic and should be evaluated for accuracy on a case by case basis, including by employing human review of such output. Output generated by the AI tool does not constitute legal advice. You must read the White Paper to better understand the functionality and limitations of the AI tool before use. You are also required to read the entirety of the Terms of Service.

User Data

We use third party services (‘AI software providers’) that are not owned or controlled by us and who can collect personal data from the user of the AI tool. We are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Third Party Services.

Accordingly, you should refrain from inputting user prompts that contain sensitive data, such as personal information and intellectual property. Additionally, you are encouraged to read the terms and conditions and privacy policies of the AI software provider here.

How is this different from ChatGPT?

Our AI agents can access a knowledge base consisting of EU and US regulations and other relevant texts. Hence, it is more likely to generate relevant responses – compared to ChatGPT which is trained on a broader set of training data which is not specific to product compliance.

Further, we keep the sources updated. Every 6 months we replace outdated sources in the knowledge base, while LLMs such as ChatGPT have a fixed cut-off date (i.e., September 2021).

What is a general agent?

General agents have access to a knowledge base which consists of many different regulations. Such agents are useful for initial research and accessing information about many different compliance requirements.

What is a specialised agent?

A specialised agent is connected to a more narrow knowledge base. For example, the CPSIA agent only contains information relevant to children’s product requirements in the US under the CPSIA. It is therefore more likely to generate relevant responses specific to CPSIA.

Select an AI agent

You can select both general and specialised agents

AI Agents

European Union – General Agent

This agent is connected to a knowledge base covering various EU regulations and directives. This agent can serve as a starting point for exploring EU product compliance requirements.

AI response

United States – General Agent

This agent is connected to a knowledge base covering various US regulations and standards. This agent can serve as a starting point for exploring US product compliance requirements.

USA agent

General Product Safety Regulation – Specialised Agent (EU)

Relevant for exploring requirements under the GPSR, which covers consumer products sold in the EU.

GPSR agent

CPSIA – Specialised Agent (US)

Relevant for exploring CPSIA requirements applicable to children’s products sold in the United States.

CPSIA agent

Risk Disclosure

Read the Risk Disclosure to understand how the features of the Compliance Gate Platform were created. We also explain the limitations and risks of each feature.

How should the AI agents be used?

1. The AI tool can help you navigate the various source texts.

2. You can ask questions from different angles to better understand certain aspects of the requirements.

3. The AI tool does not verify if the output is correct. As such, you must never rely on or act on the AI-generated output as a primary source of information. Always check the latest version of the relevant regulatory text or guidance page before taking any action.

4. You can find the source texts for all AI agents here.

AI agent limitations

1. The AI agents do not think or understand the generated output.

2. The AI agents cannot fact-check, interpret, or understand the generated output.

3. The AI agents generate a response by predicting the next word based on mathematical probability. Think of it as an advanced autocomplete software.

. The AI agents can only generate a relevant output to the extent that the knowledge base contains information sufficient for an “answer”. However, regulations and guidance documents do not address every single question, situation, or scenario. However, it may still generate an output based on irrelevant sources.

5. There is a limit to the quantity of text that an LLM can process. Hence, the agent may not be able to include every single piece of information from the knowledge base that would be required for sufficiently accurate output.

6. The AI agents can make mistakes when selecting knowledge base sources, and source items. This can result in an incorrect output being generated.

Recommended process

Step 1: Write your question/query

Step 2: Reframe your question a few times – Is the output consistent?

Step 3: Compare the output to the source text – Does it match or can you find errors?


1. The LLM can output incomplete information.

2. The LLM can hallucinate and output false information.


1. The AI tool does not operate as an archive or file storage service. You are solely responsible for the backup of generated outputs and other safeguards appropriate for your needs.

2. The AI tool sends the user prompt to an external data processor. Read the Privacy Policy for more details.

3. We keep a copy of the prompts and generated answers in the external data process for 7 days. This is only done for debugging reasons, in case we find issues with the AI tool. After 7 days, this data is deleted.

Terms of Service

You can read the complete Terms of Service here.