Monthly Updates

Monthly Report

We review official web page sources each month to determine if we need to make changes to the
compliance requirements list entries and/or the templates. We also deliver a monthly report to our subscribers
which summaries the latest news and updates.

Monthly Report
Risk Disclosure

The Risk Disclosure document explains the features of the Compliance Gate Platform, and their limitations and risks.

Which sources do you monitor?

We review official web page sources each month to determine if we need to make changes to the compliance requirements list entries and/or the templates.

The review is limited to the items listed in the tables, and we do not keep track of news/updates announced elsewhere (e.g. not announced in the linked pages).

Further, we only cover and track updates related to the listed items (see tables). Regulations, directives, or standards not mentioned in this document are not covered by the platform, or monitored.

How often do you review the sources?

We review sources once per month.

Do you monitor source links?

Yes, we monitor source links in the Compliance Requirements list entries/summaries and Document Templates. Links can be broken due to page removal or redirected. You can find more information in the Monthly Review Methodology (EU and US).

How do you decide whether the Compliance Gate Platform should be updated?

Compliance Requirements Lists (summaries/entries): Entries/summaries are only updated when there is an amendment that results in a substantial update. Hence, many amendments do not result in an update of the entry/summary.

1. Note that the summaries are based on the source version available at the time of publication. It is only updated when there is an amendment that results in a substantial update.

2. Not all updates and amendments result in changes to the summaries. You can find more information on this in the Monthly Review Methodology (EU and US).

Documents Templates: We update the template if the template items and/or source versions have changed (this is checked monthly).

AI tool: We update the source texts in the knowledge base every 6 months.

Do you implement changes in real-time into the Compliance Gate Platform?

No, changes are never implemented in real-time. We review the sources once per month. Once we have identified a change, it can take several weeks before we have been able to update a Compliance Requirements List summary/entry or document template.

Do you guarantee that the Compliance Gate Platform is always up to date?

No, we cannot guarantee that the Compliance Gate Platform is always up to date as we do not implement changes in real-time. It is therefore critical that you always check the latest version of the relevant sources.

How are we made aware of news and updates?

1. We normally send a Monthly Report on the 2nd or 3rd Tuesday of each month.

2. You can also find a list of updates in the Compliance Gate Platform update log.

What is the purpose of the Monthly Report?

The Monthly Report is a compilation of compliance news and updates from monitored sources in the EU and US.

It also helps us to decide internally whether we need to update the Compliance Gate Platform.

How does the report benefit us?

The report can help you stay up to date with new and updated compliance requirements, including those that do not result in an update of the Compliance Gate Platform.

How many reports do we receive each year?

You will receive a report each month, for the duration of your subscription.