Monthly Compliance Updates

Risk Disclosure

Read the Risk Disclosure to understand how the features of the Compliance Gate Platform were created. We also explain the limitations and risks of each feature.

Which sources do you review?

We review certain news and announcement pages on various government websites in the United States. The list includes the CPSC, FCC, FDA and European Union websites. You can find a complete list of sources in our Monthly Review Methodology.

Keep in mind that we only review the pages listed in the methodology document. We do not cover news and updates that are not announced on these pages.

What is the purpose of this report?

We initially started reviewing official sources to stay up to date with new and updated compliance requirements, in order to make changes to the Compliance Gate Platform when necessary. For example, sometimes we need to update the compliance requirements lists databank and certificate/label templates.

We then decided that these reports could also provide value to our customers, as we invest several hours to review the sources each month and then summarize certain updates in a report.

Note: We also mention if any of the new or updated requirements have resulted in an update to any feature included in the Compliance Gate Platform.

What are some examples of updates that we can find in the reports?

Here are some examples:

1. New substance restrictions: Certain chemicals and heavy metals may be restricted or subject to a new (often stricter) limit. Sometimes substances are also subject to bans.

While labs generally keep track of such changes, it can be beneficial to stay up to date and inform your supplier about upcoming substance restrictions.

2. New and updated standards: Standards are updated and amended from time to time. We include this when such changes are announced. Further, new standards may be released, or be made mandatory under a certain regulation or framework.

3. New and updated labeling requirements

4. New and updated documentation/certification requirements

5. New and updated lab testing requirements

How does the report benefit us?

First and foremost the report can help you stay up to date with new and updated requirements. You can review the same sources yourself, as we only summarize information that is publicly available. That said, doing so can take hours each month.

When can we expect to receive the report?

Normally sometime between the 10th to the 15th of each month. We start our review during the first week of each month, but it takes some time to review the sources and summarize the new and updated requirements. The report is also subject to an internal review before being released to our users.

Do you implement changes in real time into the Compliance Gate Platform?

No, we do not guarantee that we keep the platform (e.g. templates or compliance requirements list databank) up to date in real time. There is often a delay from an update/new requirement until we can implement an update.

How many reports do we receive each year?

You’ll receive one report every month. Hence, in total you will receive 12 reports per year.

How can we access the reports?

The report is delivered by email as soon as it’s ready. The report is also made available for download as a PDF from the Dashboard. You can also download all previous reports from the same page.

For how long do we receive these reports?

You’ll keep receiving the reports for as long as you have an active Compliance Gate Platform subscription.