Find US and EU Compliance Requirements for Your Products

  • Generate product requirements lists

  • Create mandatory certificates and labels

  • Get your products lab tested


Affordable: Get access from only $179 per year


User friendly: Created for non-experts and busy professionals


Save hours: Find product requirements in 2 min instead of 5 hours


Use the code ADVASTORE10 in the checkout to get 10% off

Use Case Examples

Sell in the US

The platform covers US compliance requirements for a wide range of products.

Sell in the EU

The platform covers EU compliance requirements for a wide range of products.

Amazon Product Suspensions

Did Amazon delist your product? Use our platform to create mandatory documents and labels.


Selling a new product? Our platform can help you understand many of the requirements.

CE marking (EU)

Self-manage the CE marking process. Search directives, create DoCs and label files.


Unintentional and intentional radiators, create SDoCs, and book lab testing.

Use the code ADVASTORE10 in the checkout to get 10% off