List of Amazon Seller Product Liability Insurance Providers

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Product liability insurance can help you cover losses caused by consumer injury or property damage, caused by products you’ve sold. Obtaining product liability insurance is not only a wise decision for the sake of protecting your own business – but also mandatory for many Amazon sellers.

In this guide, we list product liability insurance providers specifically offering solutions for Amazon sellers.

Continue reading List of Amazon Seller Product Liability Insurance Providers

Amazon Manufacturer & Importer Address Requirements Guide

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As you’re reading this you’ve likely received a message from Amazon rejecting your packaging labels as non-compliant. We keep receiving such reports from Amazon sellers on a weekly basis, with increasing frequency – and decided it was about time to dig deeper into this. Continue reading Amazon Manufacturer & Importer Address Requirements Guide

3 Common Product Compliance Mistakes Made by Amazon Sellers

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Amazon Compliance Mistakes

Amazon is taking product safety and compliance seriously. Yet, many importers and sellers fail to do their homework until they receive that dreaded email from the Amazon product compliance team. In this article, we cover some of the most common compliance-related mistakes made by Amazon sellers – and how they can be avoided. Continue reading 3 Common Product Compliance Mistakes Made by Amazon Sellers

Amazon Hazmat Guide: Review Process and Documentation

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hazardous materials

Planning to sell electronics, cosmetics, hair care products, or essential oils on Amazon? Chances are your product is classified as dangerous goods – or hazmat – which requires that additional documentation is submitted before you can start selling.

In this guide, we explain how you can assess if your product is classified as hazmat, and how to obtain the necessary documentation and information required for selling hazmat on Amazon. Continue reading Amazon Hazmat Guide: Review Process and Documentation

Amazon Certificate of Compliance: A Complete Guide

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amazon label

Amazon may sometimes remove or suspend a product listing if they suspect that the product is not correctly labeled or for other reasons non-compliant. Amazon may then require the seller to provide the following information:

  • Product label photos and/or documents
  • Certificate of Compliance

The Certificate of Compliance is often what confuses Amazon sellers, so we decided to do some research and explain why you need this document, and how to obtain it. Continue reading Amazon Certificate of Compliance: A Complete Guide