Find US and EU Compliance Requirements for Your Products

  • Generate product requirements lists

  • Create mandatory certificates and labels

  • Get your products lab tested


Affordable: Get access from only $179 per year


User friendly: Created for non-experts and busy professionals


Save hours: Find product requirements in 2 min instead of 5 hours

  • Overview

  • Subscription

  • Support Tickets (Info)

    Ask questions to our team

  • AI Tool (Info)

    Beta Version

  • Main Features

  • Compliance Requirements List (Info)

    + Identify requirements in 2 minutes

    + European Union & United States

  • Create Product Certificates (Info)

    + European Union & United States

  • Create Product Labels (Info)

    + European Union & United States

  • Book Lab Testing (Info)

    + EU, US & UK

  • Other Features

  • Consultation call ?

    You can use the call session for onboarding training, or general questions.

  • Users ?

    Specifies the number of users with unique login details that can access your account

  • Monthly Compliance Updates (Info)

  • UK Compliance Report 2024 (Info)

  • Self-Managed

    All platform features,

    but no support included

  • $179

    12 Months Access

  • Subscription

    12 Months

  • Support Tickets (Info)

    Ask questions to our team

  • AI Tool (Info)

    Beta Version

  • Compliance Requirements List (Info)

  • Create Product Certificates (Info)

  • Create Product Labels (Info)

  • Book Lab Testing (Info)

  • Consultation call ?

    You can use the call session for onboarding training, or general questions.

  • Users ?

    Specifies the number of users with unique login details that can access your account

    1 user

  • Monthly Compliance Updates (Info)


  • UK Compliance Report 2024 (Info)


  • Premium

    AI tool and additional

    support tickets

  • $499

    12 Months Access

  • Subscription

    12 Months

  • Support Tickets (Info)

    Ask questions to our team

    15 x Tickets

    What is a ticket?

  • AI Tool (Info)

    Beta Version

    1000 x queries

    What is a query?

  • Compliance Requirements List (Info)

  • Create Product Certificates (Info)

  • Create Product Labels (Info)

  • Book Lab Testing (Info)

  • Consultation call ?

    You can use the call session for onboarding training, or general questions.

    1 x 30 min session

  • Users ?

    Specifies the number of users with unique login details that can access your account

    3 users

  • Monthly Compliance Updates (Info)


  • UK Compliance Report 2024 (Info)


  • Enterprise

    Includes live training

    and expanded usage rights

  • $899

    12 Months Access

  • Subscription

    12 Months

  • Support Tickets (Info)

    Ask questions to our team

    20 x Tickets

    What is a ticket?

  • AI Tool (Info)

    Beta Version

    5000 x queries

    What is a query?

  • Compliance Requirements List (Info)

  • Create Product Certificates (Info)

  • Create Product Labels (Info)

  • Book Lab Testing (Info)

  • Consultation call ?

    You can use the call session for onboarding training, or general questions.

    3 x 30 min sessions

  • Users ?

    Specifies the number of users with unique login details that can access your account

    10 users

  • Monthly Compliance Updates (Info)


  • UK Compliance Report 2024 (Info)


Secure Payment Methods


The following text is a disclaimer. You are required to read the entirety of the Terms of Service.

Compliance Requirements List Disclaimer: The content in the Compliance Gate Platform and documents generated through said software are provided for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

1. We do not claim to provide complete coverage of every single relevant regulation, standard, and requirement that may apply to a certain product or scenario. We only cover the regulations in this document.

2. The requirements lists contain summaries of regulations and other compliance requirements. We do not claim that the summary covers the regulation/requirement in its entirety or every single rule, option, exemption or other information that may be applicable to a certain product or scenario, or that the information provided is free from errors. However, we do provide links to sources where you can find more information.

Templates Disclaimer: The certificate and label file templates are based on official sources, which we link to. We cannot guarantee that the templates are error free or that the templates are sufficient for every single product specification, case or scenario.

Do not assume that the templates cover all documents/certificates and labels that may be required for a certain product. Additional requirements may have been added which renders a template outdated. Thus, you should always compare the template to the provided source link before you download.

Updates: We review a set of official EU and US sources (see Monthly Review Methodology) to monitor new and updated regulations and standards on a monthly basis. We send a report each month summarizing our findings and specify if we deem it necessary to update the platform.

1. We do not guarantee that all updates are made in real-time. There can be a delay from the implementation of new requirements until we have updated the platform.

2. We do not guarantee that we ‘catch’ every single new or updated compliance requirement.

Other Information

1. The platform does not generally cover European national and US state standards and regulations.

2. Technical problems can occur when saving or downloading documents generated when creating requirements lists or using the templates due to extenuating circumstances like software bugs or due to internet connectivity issues. This can result in the downloaded document being incomplete or otherwise incorrect.

Product Tour Video


Risk Disclosure

This guide explains how the features of the Compliance Gate Platform were created. We also explain the limitations and risks of each feature.

+ Compliance Requirements Lists
+ Templates
+ Lab testing
+ Support
+ AI tool

Regulations/Directives/Rules Overview and Source Links

You can find a list of covered regulations/directives/rules and certificate/label templates in this document. We only cover the items listed in the document, and only within the defined scope.

Monthly Review Methodology

We review official sources on a monthly basis, to help us determine if we need to update the compliance requirements list database or the templates. We send a monthly report to all active subscribers. Learn more in the Monthly Review Methodology document.

Data Management & Security

This guide covers the following:

+ How to delete your account data
+ What happens to your data after your subscription expires
+ For how long we maintain backups of your data
+ How to terminate your account
+ Data security

AI White Paper

The AI tool creates an output by searching the relevant parts of a directive or regulation, and then generating a response using a probabilistic Large Language Model (LLM). You must read the White Paper to better understand the functionality and limitations of the AI tool before use.