Lithium Battery Regulations and Standards in the US: An Overview

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Lithium batteries are potentially dangerous products, as they can catch fire, or even explode. This can happen, for example, because the product or the battery itself is defective, overcharged, or overheated. For this reason, it is key to follow safety standards, regulations and other requirements that help you to ensure that the batteries are safe.

In this guide, we cover regulations and standards like the Hazardous Materials Regulations, Reese’s Law, and the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act (CPSIA).

Not that additional requirements may apply to the product that contains lithium batteries. However, this guide is primarily focused on requirements applicable to lithium batteries specifically.

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Button Cell and Coin Battery Safety Standards and Regulations in the United States

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Button Coin Battery Regulations United States

If you are selling button cell or coin batteries, or products containing such batteries in the United States, then you must observe the testing, packaging, labeling, and other requirements set by regulations such as 16 CFR Part 1263.

The regulations presented in this guide may relate to the button cell or coin batteries sold alone, consumer products sold with or designed to use such batteries, or both.

This guide covers laws, federal-level regulations, state-level regulations, and standards.

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LED Lighting Regulations in the United States: An Overview

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LED lighting Safety Standards in the US

LED lighting manufactured or imported for sale in the United States must comply with various regulations and standards. On top of that, there are also voluntary standards that in practice are required.

This guide explains how regulations such as 47 CFR Part 15, 10 CFR Part 305, and RoHS, are relevant to LED lighting products. In addition, we also cover relevant UL standards and explain the importance of lab testing before selling LED lighting.

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US Law Label Requirements For Importers: A Complete Guide

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US law labels are mandatory for stuffed products in most US states. Such products can include beddings, stuffed toys, bean bags, and other stuffed products. The purpose of a law label is to inform the consumer of the filling material.

However, what makes this requirement somewhat complex is that law labels are regulated on a state level. Hence, the product scope, labeling, and registration requirements differ between states.

Methodology: This guide is primarily based on law labeling requirements in California, under Home Furnishings and Thermal Insulation Act Rules and Regulations.
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AC Adapter Regulations in the United States: An Overview

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AC Adapter Safety Standards in the US

AC adapters, power supplies, and chargers are used to power all sorts of electronics. AC adapters are also potential electrical and fire hazards, which is why these are subject to various regulations and standards in the United States. This includes 47 CFR Part 15, 10 CFR Part 430, and several UL standards – the latter of which are generally voluntary.

This guide serves as an introduction to compliance requirements for AC adapters, and power supplies and chargers in general. You also find examples of relevant standards.

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Chemical Regulations in the United States: An Overview

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Chemical Regulations in the United States
Several regulations in the United States restrict chemicals in consumer products. Some substances are banned, while others are subject to limits. In other cases, there are reporting and testing requirements.

The chemical regulations that do apply depend on various factors, including the product type, age group, or even which US states you sell in.

In this guide, we cover the CPSIA, TSCA, California Proposition 65 and other regulations that set compliance requirements for chemicals in consumer products.

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Children’s Product Regulations in the United States: An Overview

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Children's Product Regulations in the United States

Children’s products are subject to various regulations in the United States. These cover safety standards, flammability, chemical restrictions, traceability, warning labels, certification, and testing requirements.

The requirements differ depending on the type of children’s product, but there are measures that cover not only toys, but also children’s apparel, furniture, and so on.

Children’s products are also subject to regulations that are not specific to a certain age group but are applicable to consumer products in general. Nonetheless, these are equally important.

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United States Product Labeling Requirements: A Complete Guide

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Products sold in the United States must generally be labeled or marked according to the requirements in the applicable regulations. Some labeling requirements apply to all products, while others only cover certain types of products, materials, or even age groups.

Commonly, a single product is subject to several different product labeling and marking requirements, which is why you can often see a plethora of product information and compliance marks on everything from phone chargers to baby clothing.

This guide serves as an introduction to US product labeling and marking requirements for clothing, electronics, children’s products, furniture, and many other products.

Note that this guide covers both federal and some state-level labeling requirements. That being said, this is not an exhaustive list of labeling requirements in the United States.

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ASTM F963-23 Children’s Product Safety Standard: An Overview

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ASTM F963-23 is the latest version of ASTM F963, a safety standard that sets requirements for children’s products in the US. Compliance with ASTM F963-23 will become mandatory on April 20, 2024.

It covers requirements regarding chemical and heavy metals, mechanical, physical, and electrical safety, and more.

In this guide, we explain what you must know about ASTM F963-23, which products must comply with it, how you should ensure compliance, and where to buy the standard.

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US State Product Safety Standards and Regulations: An Overview

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US State Product Safety Regulations

US importers and manufacturers are oftentimes not only required to ensure compliance with federal level requirements – but also those that apply on a state level. This guides serves as a broad overview of US state level regulations concerning chemicals and heavy metals, flammability, children’s product safety and more.

We do not cover every state, nor do we cover all product compliance related regulations in the listed US states. Additionally, we published a separate article for California.

Note: This guide is a compilation of articles published in 2021. Note that we have not updated or checked the information since the initial publications in 2021. Some information may be outdated.

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