Leather Product Regulations in the United States: An Overview

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Planning to import and sell leather products in the United States? In this article, you will learn the basics of regulations and labeling requirements applicable to leather products.

Mentioned Products

  • Leather footwear
  • Leather wallets
  • Leather apparel
  • Leather bags

Continue reading Leather Product Regulations in the United States: An Overview

Toy and Children’s Product Standards in Australia & New Zealand

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australia toy safety

Planning to import and sell toys or other children’s products in Australia or New Zealand? In this guide, we explain what you must know about mandatory standards, heavy metals restrictions, testing procedures, and labeling.

Mentioned Products

  • Kids clothing
  • Kids equipment
  • Toys
  • Kids furniture

Continue reading Toy and Children’s Product Standards in Australia & New Zealand

How to Verify if a Supplier Can Make Safe And Compliant Products

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Far from all manufacturers have the capability to manufacture compliant products. Even fewer suppliers can offer a full set of compliance documents, such as test reports and technical files.

So how do you verify if a supplier has the right compliance documentation, or at least the capability to manufacture compliant products?

Many importers assume that the solution is as simple as asking for a test report, but as I explain in this guide, the reality is far more complex and risky. Continue reading How to Verify if a Supplier Can Make Safe And Compliant Products

How to Determine Applicable Product Regulations and Safety Standards

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How do you know which product safety standards and labeling requirements apply to your product?

Finding information on product regulations, be it a simple t-shirt or a new electronic device, is often the hardest part of the compliance process. In this guide, we list official websites and service providers that can help you find out which regulations apply to your products.

In addition, you will also learn how lab testing companies and consultants can help you assess mandatory product regulations and standards for your products. Continue reading How to Determine Applicable Product Regulations and Safety Standards

Electronic Product Compliance in Practice: By Fabien Gaussorgues

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fabien sofeast

Electronic product compliance goes beyond listing safety standards and paperwork. Ensuring compliance when importing, exporting or manufacturing electronic devices starts at the drawing board.

In this article, Fabien Gaussorgues of Sofeast Limited in Shenzhen, shares his profound technical expertise and explains what electronic product compliance really means in practice. Continue reading Electronic Product Compliance in Practice: By Fabien Gaussorgues

Food and Agricultural Exports to China For Small Businesses: A Complete Guide

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Export food to china

This article is authored by Thuong Tran, of FLEET, on behalf of ComplianceGate.com

The Chinese imported food market is one that is expanding rapidly. Some figures put its value at more than 500 billion USD as of 2014. In order to tap into this potential, it is important to know how to navigate the various regulations and licensure requirements. Some of the most common questions about importing canned and other packaged food into the country follow. Continue reading Food and Agricultural Exports to China For Small Businesses: A Complete Guide

CCC Mark: The Exporter’s Guide to China Compulsory Certification

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china ccc certificate

Planning to export products to China? Then you may need to ensure that your products are compliant with the China Compulsory Certification (CCC), which applies to anything from electrical equipment to toys.

In this article, Julian Busch – managing director of MPR China Certification GmbH – shares some of his knowledge of CCC. Keep reading, and learn more about the CCC documents, labeling requirements and the different product categories to which CCC applies. Continue reading CCC Mark: The Exporter’s Guide to China Compulsory Certification